Select orientation of buildings c zell optimization teploэnerhetycheskoho influence on external climate of the building thermal balance for example backyard Poltava
green building, thermal balance, planning, wind regime.Abstract
Purpose. Explore product optimization of buildings with heat and power to determine the impact of external climate on the heat balance of the building on the example of the city of Poltava. Method. empirical research methods were used to achieve the purpose of the study, including the observation, comparison, measurement, by the exampleof a more detailed study of the issue of optimal spatial orientation buildings - multi-storey residential building in the city of Poltava. Results. The study wind conditions, and other factors that affect the space-planning solution of the building, it was concluded that the best orientation is the latitude. It identifies a number of advantages over the latitudinal orientation of the meridian. So in winter the greatest amount of heat from direct solar radiation enters the wall south orientation of buildings, in the summer the greatest amount of heat from a cut solar radiation enters a day on the walls of the east and west orientation, the room with windows oriented to the south have a favorable insolation in summer and fall in winter low, deep penetrating rays in space, given the prevalence ofthe heating season winds east and west directions, latitudinal orientation is optimal. The necessity to pay more attention to space-planning decisions of buildings to maximize energy efficiency in construction. Scientific novelty and practical meaningfulness. Currently Ukraine energy resources over time in increasing its cost, resulting in a need to build a fully autonomous nonvolatile construction. It is soon to become an important and a priority of this for any construction company or organization.
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