Modern methods of progressive collapse simulation of building and structures
progressive collapse, vitality, steel frames, structural safety, software complexes.Abstract
The progressive collapse estimation and the ways of their prevention are highly depends on the decisions of the failure criteria of elements and based on the calculation methods. The aim of the article is to cover issues of progressive collapse modeling using modern software systems, estimation of their failure criteria, comparison and identification of features taking into account the possibility of their use in solving various tasks classes. The main objectives of the study is to examine the criteria of element failures in emergencies used in a variety of software systems; comparative calculation of the steel frame with single element failure; assessment of the possibility of using different approaches and software systems in the structural safety analysis of buildings and structures. Methods. Methodology of the tasks solving is based on the numerical studies of steel frame after one column failure calculated using SAP2000 software systems and Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS). Results. The analysis of elements nonlinear behavior and criteria for their failure in emergency situations calculated using two different software systems are showed. This article shows a comparative analysis of the progressive collapse scenarios of the steel frame derived from non-linear analysis using various modeling methods. The studies indicate the convergence of various software systems using for progressive collapse scenarios search. Scientific novelty. The different software systems and their methods of calculation buildings and structures in emergency situations were studied. The software selection criteria of the application for solving various tasks classes were obtained. These criteria are associated with the analysis of the structural safety of existing and new buildings. The practical significance. Examination of the various progressive collapse modeling methods of buildings and structures opens the way to a better understanding of a ensuring important building objects vitality problems and makes possible to create a rational design solutions to protect buildings against progressive collapse. These results allow us to make an informed decision about application of software complexes depending on the purpose of the calculation.
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