Assessment of environmental safety for locomotive
air pollution, chemical transformation of substances in the atmosphere, numerical modeling, environmental safetyAbstract
Purpose. Development of a method of environmental safety assessment of the operation of locomotives, which allows to take into account the spatial transfer of impurities, meteorological parameters of the atmosphere, the chemical transformation processes emissions. Methodology. The basis of the proposed method of numerical simulation of the transport of dangerous chemical substances in the atmosphere. The basis of the numerical model is the equation of mass transfer of chemically hazardous substances. This equation takes into account the dispersion in the atmosphere of dangerous substances due to thewind and atmospheric diffusion. For numerical simulations of the transport of dangerous chemical substances in the atmosphere is used implicit finite-difference splitting scheme. Based on the constructed numerical model was developed method for the assessment of potential territorial risk and generated code in algorithmic language Fortran. The developed numerical model allows to take into account the real parameters of the meteorological situation, the mode of emission of chemically hazardous substances, power emission, the movement of the source emission. A computational experiment to assess the level of air pollution at the railway station Dnepropetrovsk-Gruzovoy when driving shunting locomotives ЧМЭ3. Findings. The proposed method allows to calculate the dynamics of formation of zones of pollution in the atmospheric boundary layer and to assess the impact of emissions from locomotives on air pollution in the residential area. The method allows to determine the size of the zone of contamination during the movement of the locomotive. Originality. Created a new method of assessing the level of pollution ground atmospheric layer during the movement of the locomotive. The method makes it possible to assess the level of environmental safety with regard to meteoitalia, theroute of the locomotive, the intensity of the emission of pollutants. In the simulation is taken into account chemical transformation in the atmosphere emissions from the engine of the locomotive. The calculation is performed on the basis of three-dimensional equations of mass transfer. The calculation of the level of air pollution when working shunting locomotives at the station Dnepropetrovsk-Gruzovoy. Practical value. Developed method of estimation of level of ecological safety of diesel locomotives can be used to define risk areas on primarystring site. Presents the results of assessing the level of pollution in the atmospheric surface layer at the station Dnepropetrovsk-Gruzovoy.
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