Determination of the correction factor for computation of the soil-digging force`s component by the multipurpose ground-digging machine
Ground-digging machine, working body, rotor, soil, digging, factor.Abstract
Summary. Raising of problem. Expansion of technical and technological capabilities and scopes of using of longitudinal digging excavators are relevant and economically feasible. There is a need for creating of double appointment machines for performing excavation in civil engineering and for fortification arrangement of positions of troops. Formulation of the task of creating of radically new construction machines is logical. These machines could be used for digging the variable width trenches in frozen and not frozen soil without the changeovers of working equipment. Known constructions of trench excavators of native and foreign production are highly focused machines. That’s why the scope of using of trench excavators is limited in comparing wi th single-bucket excavators. Review of published results of researching of continuous action ground-digging machines shows that working processes of multipurpose ground-digging machines weren’t almost been researched. Object. On the basis of comparing of the analytical calculations and the experimental research results of the MGDM`s rotor working equipment`s physical model establish the value of the correction factors for the calculation of main vector`s components of soil-digging forces by rotor working body of the multipurpose ground-digging machine. Conclusion. The value of the correction factors for the calculation of the main vector`s components of soil-digging forces by rotor working body of the multipurpose ground-digging machine that could be used during the design calculations of the working equipment are established.
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