Rational parameters of scraper bucket with round bottom


  • L. А. Khmara Department of Building and road machines. State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • М. А. Spilnik Department of Building and road machines. State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, str. Chernishevskogo, 24-a, Dnepropetrovsk, 49005, Ukraine, Ukraine


Filling, discharging, scraper, efficiency, rational parameters.


Abstract. Problem.  The scraper  workflow includes a set of soil, transporting to the place of stacking and unloading. Increasing the number of soil that is loaded into the bucket scraper by compaction leads to a significant increase in resistance to  fill ing the bucket, and so need to increase traction class tractor-pusher. Increasing the volume of the bucket due to its extension or increasing in height in terms of width restriction also does not give a positive result because it leads to the formation of cavities in the back of the bucket and a sharp increasing  resistance to filling. Analyzing the design features  of improving  scraper bucket should be noted trend toward increasing the efficiency of filling the bucket.  The problem in  unloading  process of soil is not  scraper which also requires additional energy. Improving the efficiency of unloading can be achieved by improving the shape elements bucket design. Need  to find a rational construction scraper, and according to  this its geometric dimensions. Therefore, the search for new design solutions in this area is an urgent task. Analysis publications. The nature of the filling of the bucket soil affect the properties and condition of the soil,  the  thickness  of  the  chip,  shape  and  setting  of  the  knife  and  the  parameters  that  define  the  geometric  shape  of  the  bucket, namely, the width of the bucket, the ratio between the width of the cutting and the width of the bucket, the height of the bu cket, the length and longitudinal profile bucket form the bottom and the back wall, e tc. The purpose of the article. Determination of rational parameters scraper with a semicircular bottom and rear wall pendulum-type on the basis of energy intensity and unloading process of digging the soil.  Conclusions:  The analysis of the process of unloading scraper with a semicircular head, equipped  R1.2= 0,4• Lдн нпд, м, R2.2= (0,8...0,9) Hзс, м; and that of the drive, the results of which allows to calculate the dependence of the weight of the soil on the position of the  armed  forces of the length of  the bottom of the bucket scraper and value the efforts necessary for its trucks, which are reduced in comparison with traditional design 30 ... 40%.

Author Biographies

L. А. Khmara, Department of Building and road machines. State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

М. А. Spilnik, Department of Building and road machines. State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, str. Chernishevskogo, 24-a, Dnepropetrovsk, 49005, Ukraine

Ph.D. asst.


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Lifting and transport, construction and road machines and equipment