About an inappropriate of rates of excavation work and rates of repair work on the pipeline and the ways of their elimination
Pipeline, technical condition, machine, rate, earthworks.Abstract
Summary. Raising of problem. On the basis of the analysis of modern technical condition of pipelines in Ukraine and in other countries is concluded that there is an unsatisfactory condition of pipeline routes in almost all countries. Reliable operation of pipelines is possible only through the replacement of worn-out sections of pipelines with new pipes or due to their major overhaul. The rate of repair work must be dramatically increased to maintain the necessary reliability of pipelines. It was found that low growth excavation works are the most limiting factor of increasing the rate of repair work that need to be raised a minimum in 5-7 times. Bringing the rates of excavation works to the rates of repair works on pipelines is possible only through the creation of new special continuous action diggers. By using them it will be possible to lead the major overhaul of pipelines with the high-speed method without a pipe lifting referring to its initial line of bedding.
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