Special continious action earthmoving machines, as a recovery tool of major pipeline reliable operation
Pipeline, soil, machine, rate, contradiction, lifting.Abstract
Summary. Raising of problem. The current state of pipeline highways in Ukraine and in other countries, calls for the urgent implementation of overhaul. Existing hardware for performance of major repairs, especially machines for excavation and their using technology does not allow to carry out major repairs of the pipelines with necessary rates. Purpose. Solution of the problem can be reached by the new continuous action earthmoving machines creating. The using of them allows to increase the rates of earthworks in process of major pipeline repair, to provide the pipeline reapairing by the fast non-lifting method. It will increase the safety of repairing. Conclusions. Created machines as a result of complex research provide the performance of earthworks 80-120 run. m/h depending on the diameter of the pipeline and ground conditions. It becomes possible to safe (distance from the pipe 200±50 mm) and synchronous movement with a predetermined speed of technological columns machines along the pipeline while its repairing Contradictions between the rate of excavation and repair work on the pipe are removed. The using of the special continuous action earthmoving machines eliminates the need for additional support or lifting tube in the process of its repair .
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