Evaluation of effectiveness excavator fitted with telescopic working equipment
Excavator, excavators, telescopic working equipment, evaluation of the effectiveness of the telescopic working equipmentAbstract
Summary. Raising of problem. A promising area of earth-moving equipment is a telescopic working equipment of excavator, which can increase the digging depth and dump height, increase the amount of soil developed on one lot and the radius of the equipment, to quickly change a wide range of geometrical parameters of working equipment, and use a wide range of interchangeable working bodies. In addition, the telescopic working equipment allows workers to combine operations with the simultaneous change in the linear dimensions of the equipment, which leads to a reduction in the cycle time, and perform the work required by the translational movement, for example, the dispersed work for cleaning and planning surfaces earthworks in road construction. The purpose of the article. Develop a system of indicators of evaluation efficiency, of operational properties and a method for determining the operational productivity for single-bucket excavators equipped with the telescopic working equipment. Conclusion. The excavator equipped with a telescopic working equipment, is the best choice for use on special works, such as finishing processing of slopes, cleaning, maintenance, and removal of plants from the banks and bottom of rivers and canals, excavation broad and deep pits. The use of telescopic working equipment allows you to increase the volume of soil developed on one lot. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed system of indicators showed that the best solution under the terms of th e rationalization and optimization of application is within the telescopic working equipment. Besides the use of mechanisms for telescoping the telescopic boom allows to increase productivity compared to traditional operational equipment by 28% ... 40%.
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