The energy optimization of the process of digging ground by excavator equipped with telescopic working equipment
Excavator, telescopic working equipment, energy optimization, digging of groundAbstract
Summary. Raising of problem. Production of excavation associated with a number of specific features, which restrict the full use of the technological possibilities of the working equipment, single-bucket hydraulic excavator and the efficient use of earth-moving equipment. Thus, it becomes necessary to to change the working trajectory of movement the working body in the course excavation. Traditional working equipment has a narrow range of variation of geometrical parameters. In this regard, there is need to expand the technological capabilities of the excavator working equipment due to the possibility of the active changing the geometric parameters of working equipment in th e process of excavation, which helps to adapt the thickness of the shavings cut ground to the properties of the corresponding category of ground. A wide range of changes in the geometric parameters of the working equipment can be achieved using of the telescopic working equipment, which allows you to smoothly and highly accurately change the geometrical and power parameters of the equipment, as well as use a wide range of interchangeable working bodies . The purpose of the article. To develop an optimization mathematical model to determine the optimal thickness of cut shavings in terms of sustainability and the maximum possible effort at the cutting edge of the bucket when digging excavator with variable geometric parameters of the working equipment, in which the change of parameters is due to the use of telescopic boom and arm mechanisms. Conclusion. Presented the optimization mathematical models to determine the maximum thickness cut a shaving while digging by telescopic working equipment of excavator have allowed to achieve modeling a given category of ground maintaining constant value ground resistivity digging through the ground a shaving thickness adjustment while ensuring the maximum stability and digging force. Submitted the optimization graphics for the motion on gradient calculated trajectory of thick ground a shaving to change ordinates hinge attachment the handle changes the length of the telescopic boom and changing the length of a telescopic the handle changes turning angle of the telescopic the handle indicate correct models. Implementation and use of the mathematical model will reduce energy consumption of the process and increase productivity digging excavator.
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