Simulation and optimization of oscillatory processes wheeled vehicles in the system of simulation ‘std 3.7’


  • E. Fesenko Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine
  • S. Pinchuk Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine
  • N Velmagina Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine
  • N. Ershova Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine


suspension of wheeled vehicles, optimal design, system of simulation, transient response, phase trajectory


 Purpose. In the works [1-3] we proved that the dynamic programming for continuous dynamic systems is the efficient method for options of vehicle’s suspension. In existing systems of simulation of dynamic systems this method is not being used. The main advantage of the ‘STD 3.7’ [4]  system of simulation is an availability of algorithmic programming language, using which we can create new program models. Our purpose is explain optimization technique of vehicle’s suspension by method of dynamic programming for continuous systems and technology of simulation of oscillatory processes in the ‘STD’ system on the simple example. Technique. Analytical dependences for suspension stiffness and resistance coefficient established therein vibration absorber, which were obtained by the matrix method of dynamic programming based on comparison of the coefficients when displacement and speed in differential equations of free oscillations of synthesized and analogue models. Analytical dependences includes weighting coefficients of quadratic functional of quality, the physical method of which is energy consumption for suppression of harmful vibrations. When selecting the weighting coefficients we proceeded from the main purpose of wheeled vehicle suspension – to provide comfortable environment for passengers. To create a physically realizable suspension that will provide required dynamic properties in a predetermined range of speeds for the wheeled vehicle by introducing additional functional limitations on dynamic parameters. System of simulation ’STD 3.7’ allows you to explore the transitional processes of investigated models and to analyze the stability of oscillatory processes on the phase trajectory. Results. On the simple model of the wheeled vehicle was examined algorithm for selecting optimal parameters of the suspension. The technology of working in the system of simulation ‘STD 3.7’ in the exploring of the transitional process is represented. The resulting transient response shows that the oscillatory process with large amplitudes of displacement of the center of mass of the carcass is occurred in the system. Consequently, the parameters of the suspension are not optimal. Scientific novelty. Methods and means of optimal design of suspension  of wheeled vehicles are defined. Practical significance.  Outlined tasks of practical application of system of simulation ‘STD 3.7’  in the exploring of the dynamics of wheeled vehicles.

Author Biographies

E. Fesenko, Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture


S. Pinchuk, Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture


N Velmagina, Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture

senior lecturer

N. Ershova, Applied Mathematics department. Pridniprovsk State Academy of Cyvil Engineering and Architecture

dr. sc. (tech.), prof.


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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management