Electrochemical processes modeling and sensing upon dirac potentiostatic excitation


  • Z. Stevic Z. University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor,
  • M. Rajcic-Vujasinovic School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade,
  • I Radovanovic School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade,


tical model, computer simulation, pulse excitation, electrochemical sensing


Modeling of the processes at the electrolyte–electrode interface by the application of electrical excitations is of great importance in electrochemistry. Straightforward and simple estimation of the parameters of double layer and charge transfer processes allows optimization, while increasing demand for the analysis of complex processes requires improvement of existing methods and establishment of new ones. Based on previous studies of electrochemical behavior of copper sulfide minerals, an electric analog is introduced and also a mathematical model is derived for potentiostaticexcitation of these systems by a Dirac pulse. The obtained analytical results are compared to experimental data and to the dataobtained by computer simulation. A computer system for pulse generation and the monitoring of the response is developed in the LabVIEW programming environment, and applied to real systems. High matching level between the model and the results is achieved by the proper choice of model parameters, which confirmed the proposed model and enabled possible further research within the fast and simple experiments with low number of experimental runs.

Author Biographies

Z. Stevic Z., University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor

prof. dr.

M. Rajcic-Vujasinovic, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade

prof. dr.


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