Optimization section reinforced concrete beam using genetic algorithms
evolutionary method, search for a global solution, Genetic algorithm, reinforced concrete beam, parameter optimization, cross sectionAbstract
Purpose. In the construction industry in the design of structural elements of the main task is to reduce the cost of construction and ensuring its strength. One solution to this problem is the use of evolutionary methods. The purpose of this article is to explore the methods on the basis of which is the design of software for optimization of cross-section of the reinforced concrete beam. In addition, the author analyzes the strategies for the implementation of the software and evaluated the admissibility of the application of the developed method to the projected object. Methodology. The main objective of the study is to build mathematical optimization model cross-section beams. The author gives a comparison of possible methods of solving the task. The article describes the study of the functions of the genetic algorithm. Also are described fitness function, mutations and formation of a new generation. The developed method is implemented in a software product. Findings. On the basis of genetic algorithm been developed optimization method structural element. The calculations in created software product and compared the results with the results of calculations on a set of rules. The results showed the effectiveness of using genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of the cross-section of a reinforced concrete beam. With a small number of parameters, the results become known for the small amount of time. To solve such a problem full brute force would take significantly more time. Originality. Search for the best solutions from the set of possible solutions is improved by the application of evolutionary methods. Genetic algorithms are a good solution to the task multicriteria. Many methods, such as method gradient descent, stops when reaching a local solution, and genetic algorithm provides a global solution to the task, not stopping on local solutions. This is the main advantage of the method. Practical value. Considered in the article evolutionary process and its software implementation provide an opportunity to carry out the optimization the parameters of the cross section of reinforced concrete beams. In article gives an overview of information on the use of genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters a cross-section of the beamsReferences
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