Implementation of image analysison surface degradation determination caused by cavitation erosion
cavitation erosion resistance, image analysis, refractory concreteAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate different types of measurements by image analysis technique using Image Pro Plus program for determination of surface degradation during cavitation erosion testing. As a refractory concrete, low cement castable was synthesized, cured, and then sintered at 1600 °C. Mass loss and surface degradation of investigated samples were monitored during three hours of exposure to the cavitation erosion testing. Two different approaches using image analysis for surface degradation determination were applied: manual and automatic. The results obtained by those different approaches were similar. Cavitation damage test is usually used for metallic materials. Due to the fact that development and design of modern materials moves in direction of replacement metallic components with composite and ceramic materials, the idea of this study was to investigate possible application of refractory concrete in the extreme conditions of exposure to the cavitation. Usual method for monitoring the material degradation during the cavitation is measuring the mass loss. Novelty of this study is implementation of image analysis for monitoring the level of surface degradation during the cavitation resistance testing. Both methods are non-destructive.References
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