“Digital-komputer” variants of institute of higher education specializations on the example of new tasks dynamics of constructions, structures and machines
structural dynamics, building education, іnformation technology, industrial and civil engineering, computer sciencesAbstract
Purpose. Problems of the general mechanics and dynamics continuously become complicated and come to the forefront of both construction education, and science, and is concrete - IT technologies. There are most various dynamic loadings and fields of impacts on constructions which scientists-builders should analyze, describe, normalize, check and to accompany-correct in time. Roughly heights and flights of constructions grow, and techniques of their computer calculations and algorithms of researches (with engineering checks and standard justifications of safety, comfort and quality of life) - also roughly … lag behind! Ukraine on such specialties also doesn't have today competent engineers, scientists and instrument hardware equipped programmers of a construction profile. The purpose of this work is search of new communications and a statement of the offered innovations in the sphere of preparation of engineering and research shots of construction higher education institution on the basis of two specialties – industrial and civil engineering (ICE) and the computer sciences (CS).
Methodology. Scanning of the existing conditions of each link, separately specialties ICE and CS is carried out. Then the offered innovations are developed and eight conditional consecutive grade levels with an exit to seven new specializations of CS are given. Such rapprochement of two specialties will lead under laws of synergetrics to a nonlinear quantum leap in development of construction branch. Proposals in order explore several blocks literature. The first unit is - to raise interest in engineering by studying biographies and classical works of the great engineers. Example - the great scientist-engineer S.P. Tymoshenko. Another unit - shows roughly chronological development of numerical solutions of applied engineering problems using a variety of languages of programs. Describes handy for solving modern problems of nonlinear oscillations methods of Runge-Kutta families. Example – driving of car on rough road. And the complexity of the problem of nonlinear type of dry friction. The shows of reference literature on vibration technology and proposals on the development of new digital-majors and the relevant departments of universities and laboratories. Collected the bulk of the methods and concepts that are easy to operate with the modern researcher to solve most problems of the dynamics of complex systems and processes. This is the ability to compose and solve systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic and differential equations. Go to the Cauchy problem and spectral analysis. It is expected that this approach could serve as a bridge for rapprochement and interaction of new specialists CS students, engineers and scientists specializing ICE.
The importance of clarity vibrogram of accelerations and nonlinear damping variable dynamic stresses. Particular attention is paid to vibroekologii. As well as protection against accidental impacts (vibration and shock) and human health, and vitality structures and vibrations stability of the equipment. In the description of practical examples are given scientific study of algorithms of static and dynamic analysis of structures. The predominance of the standard finite element method greatly reduces the possibility of user-designer in finding innovative solutions. Mention domestic computer program complexs LIRA and SCAD Office. Attention is drawn to the clear and logical goals of student learning - and the ICE, and CS ("IT-people") - the basis of structural mechanics, the newest of its tasks.
Findings. In work some special principles and algorithms of rapprochement of professional part of disciplines when training experts of CS with the main subject of construction higher education institution are offered. For example, special receptions in pedagogics are developed (as elite groups and available circles without age brackets), educational and research processes at a statement of the main through special course unite. Through nature of training means search use of initial inquisitiveness and interests of school students and entrants which will easily come to light at interesting introduction and engineering occupations and excursions presentations of achievements and roblems of construction, for example, on a statics or dynamics.
Originality. Apparently, the system of the interdisciplinary mutually enriching training with application of new pedagogical and engineering receptions on the example of complex parallel interaction in construction higher education institution of students of engineering specialty ICE and the students studying computer sciences is for the first time offered.
Practical value. Practical value is visible on examples of specific objectives of modern construction and operation of constructions in which participation of experts of IT technologies is sharply necessary.
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