Control system orienting the drill neuroregulators using neural network controller


  • G. N. Kovshov Department of Information Measuring Technology and Systems, State Higher Educational Institution " Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine
  • A. V. Uzhelovsky Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering, State Higher Educational Institution " Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Ukraine


neyrokontroller, electromechanical system, simulation, stability criterion ATS supervisory control


The goal - development and research of the neural network control system with feedback on the angular velocity of rotation of the upper and lower part of the drill string. Methodology. To change the direction of drilling has been proposed to use an improved method for the positioning of the drill by rotating the entire drill string using a diverter. Moreover, the column was brought to a special requirement: the inadmissibility of overshoot and also unacceptable reverse. That is, the transition process should be exponential.

Findings.. Developed and researched simulation model of the closed position control orientation of the drill using Neural Network Controller. Simulation results showed that to produce the desired transition process automated control system should be trained supervisory control.

Originality. Advanced computer-aided control management orientation position the drilling tool by taking into account its dynamic parameters and the use of supervisory control to ensure that the process of working out the angle of rotation of the drill string. The resulting simulation model makes it possible to determine the angle of the drill gap from the top of the drill string at-oriented setting it on the bottom of the well and forecast for different depths of its maximum value.

Practical value. Implementation of supervisory control, using Neural Network Controller. Neural Network Controller will provide an opportunity to teach a closed system controlling the position of the drill with the feedback of the angular velocity of rotation of the rotor drilling rig and drill.

Author Biographies

G. N. Kovshov, Department of Information Measuring Technology and Systems, State Higher Educational Institution " Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

A. V. Uzhelovsky, Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering, State Higher Educational Institution " Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”



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Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management