Compensation of temperature errors in the components of computerised systems of control and orientation of objects


  • L. I Zhivtsova Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»,, Ukraine


accelerometer, mathematical model, error, temperature, method of compensation, object orientation, computerized system


Purpose. The aim of the given work is the application of the method of compensation of temperature of errors of the given work for decreasing temperature drift of primary converter of accelerometer.

Methodology. The work investigated mathematical modelling of inclinometric converter realised on the base of the block of two-axial accelerometer, taking into account temperature drift of primary converters of the block of accelerometer approximated by linear functions. Compensation of temperature error components of computerised systems is completed according to previously experimental researches of primary converters of accelerometer. At deflection angle from a vertical such data are defined as temperature drift of primary converters with the following account of defining required angles of orientation. Experimental researches were held in a heat chamber making a real temperature conditions.

Findings. We have elaborated mathematical model of two-axial block of accelerometer for inclinometer of computerised system of control of objects orientation. Mathematical model takes into account temperature drift of primary converters approximated by linear functions. We have offered the methods of defining coefficients describing the law of temperature drift of primary converters using experimental data. The results of experimental research show that accounting of temperature drift of accelerometer block ranging allow considerably to decrease error measuring the angles of objects orientation.

Originality. The method of compensation of temperature errors in the components of computerised systems of objects orientation has been developed treating the measurement results under operating conditions and which allows increasing the accuracy of angular parameters measurement of special orientation.

Practical importance lies in the development of mathematical model based on the inclinometer converters realised on the base of the block of two-axial accelerometer to control special orientation of objects. The application of the method of compensation of temperature errors in the components of computerised systems of control of objects orientation with microprocessor equipment will allow to improve technical characteristics of primary converters and to increase the accuracy of defining the angles of orientation of controlled objects.

Author Biography

L. I Zhivtsova, Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»,



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