Overview of development trends of hydraulic excavator equipped by working equipment with variable geometric parameters
Excavator, telescopic working equipment, trends working equipment.Abstract
Summary. Raising of problem. The most common is commonly used building machinery is hydraulic excavator. One of the main directions of improvement of working equipment excavator at present is the development and creation of new structures excavators that allow for increased technological capabilities through the ability to modify the geometrical parameters of working equipment, thanks to both new structures created with new and traditional elements and equipped with telescopic working equipment such as boom and telescopic handle, with the change of these parameters is smooth and it is possible to carry out a broad adaptation to various working conditions and reduce the number of specialized equipment at the construction site. A promising area of earth-moving equipment is telescopic hydraulic excavator working equipment that maximizes digging depth and height of unloading, increase the amount of developed ground with parking and a range of working equipment to quickly change a wide range of geometric parameters of equipment and use a wide range of work bodies with telescopic working equipment allows workers to combine operations with the simultaneous change of linear dimensions that will reduce cycle time and allows you to perform planning work. From this it follows that the problem of the study and definition of rational design parameters telescopic loader working equipment is relevant. The purpose of the article. Identify the trends of excavator working equipment with variable geometrical characteristics of working equipment and analyze these designs. Conclusion. The review and analysis revealed a trend of excavator working equipment with variable geometrical characteristics of working equipment, advantages and disadvantages of existing equipment. To change the geometrical parameters in real working equipment designs commonly used design enlarged and additional elements section and telescopic handle, with the use of telescopic boom mechanisms attention is almost given. The authors provided analytical equation to determine the dimensions of the work equipment based on set parameters and recommendations on the use of telescopic boom elements in hydraulic excavator working equipment.References
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