Innovations in teaching students a foreign language in non-linguistic universities
foreign languages, computer technologies of teaching, Skype, email, e-learning coursesAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to describe the formation of foreign language communicative competence while using online resources, to introduce theoretical and practical aspects of teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic universities relying on the principal programme thesis: «The course of teaching a foreign language has a communication-oriented and profession-directed character».
Methodology. The use of such research methods as actual teaching experience analysis and pedagogical supervision has brought to a number of conclusions that summarize the work experience in the computer lab and help teachers to organize the work taking into consideration students real requirements, motivation, character and skills at the Chair of Foreign Languages, the educational institution «Belarusian State University of Transport». The admition of the Republic of Belarus in the Bologna Process, expansion of the language teaching area encourage teachers of foreign languages to perfect the methods of teaching, make use of the latest teaching systems, introduce the most contemporary technologies and forms of teaching. The equipment of the Chair of The Foreign Languages of educational institution «Belarusian State University of Transport» with modern multimedia language laboratories give wide opportunities for students and teachers work. Computers help teacher to explain and consolidate new material as well as do grammar and lexical exercises in electronic form. That is to go over from traditional schemes of teaching to more up-to-date and effective ones.
Findings. Due to the fact that the Internet has come into our life and is becoming the necessary technical means of teaching, teachers practice such computer technologies as use of internet sites and Skype in teaching foreign languages; students search for more information on the teacher`s instructions; teacher`s search for more information (in relation to that in the textbook) in order to use it in the classroom. It allows students to accumulate knowledge and acquire skills that give them opportunity to become more independent in their judgment and actions, more responsible and easy-going in relationships with others.
Originality. The resources described are aimed at enhancing students` cognitive-search activity and thus at enhancing their cognitive interest. The use of technical means and information technologies can`t guarantee qualitative teaching; without the teacher`s learning role no one process of teaching is possible.
Practical value. A computer is a technical means of teaching. It can be a logical addition of traditional lesson. Solving all problems of acquirement a foreign language speech activity is possible only with computer. Having in mind the intensive education on the Internet with native speakers is quite difficult. An open emotional communication and the authority of the teacher play an important role in the various skills: not only verbal-cogitative, but intellectual skills. Innovations in foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities allow to distribute learning material efficiently, to intensify the process of learning, to pay more attention to the essential points that is, to strengthen developing and educate functions.
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