Implementation of image analysis on low level laser (lll) destruction of low cement high alumina refractory concrete
low level laser (LLL), laser destruction, mechanical comparator, image analysis, damages size, refractory concreteAbstract
Implementation of image analysis for monitoring the level of destruction during impact of low level laser (LLL) was goal of our investigation. The chosen material was low cement high alumina refractory concrete (LCC). Two series of samples were used in experiment: reference ones dried at 105 °C, and the others sintered at 1300°C. Based on the applied methodology, degradation of the refractory concrete samples subjected to the low-level laser beam during time interval from 5 to 25 minutes was monitored by measuring destruction level: damaged area – pits, as well as pits depth. Comparison of the results using automatic and manual approach will be given. This experiment was done in order to establish whether this material can be used in conditions that require resistance to the laser action and subjected to machine that uses laser techniques.
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