Project management and development organization
development of organizations, projects, organizational systemsAbstract
Goal. Develop a holistic view of management systems supporting the development of organizations through projects.
Methods. Creating products and services, the organizations satisfy our needs. The systematic approach considers the organization as a set of interrelated elements. People, goals, structure, tasks, technology are the variables of the internal environment of the organization. The factors of the external environment, which affect the organization, include: suppliers; human resources; laws; regulations; government regulation, etc. The indirect effect is performed by such factors as: the state of the economy; scientific technological advances; part of disposable income; cultural and political changes; the impact of group interest and others. All changes always start from outside of the organization (in the outer environment), so that the organization's management must be able to identify significant factors in the environment that will affect the organization and through effective implementation of projects and programs to implement the changes within themselves.
Results. The article provides a solution to the problem, the creation of support systems for the continuous improvements of the organization activities with the help of the projects.
Scientific novelty. Each organization, to be effective, must include the change management into its structure. To do this, organizations need to create the necessary environment which is initiating and supporting the policy of changes. The proposed directions of the internal environment development of the organization allow create a system for the permanent continuous improvements based on projects.
Practical significance. Proposed in the work supporting system will help to bind the organization, to subordinate all available resources to the main goal, to make it competitive and able to create a product with new consumer values.
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