Full-scale assessment of the soil structure interaction under force impact on soil
Sign dynamic impact, kinematic characteristics of the building, soil-structure interaction, seismometer.Abstract
Summary. Raising of problem. According regulated international and industry standards, constructions of buildings and structures of nuclear power plants, it is necessary to rely on special impact, in particular, needs to settle on seismic effects in order to establish the boundary of seismic stability, as well as finding the kinematic parameters of the building. Calculation of buildings and structures on seismic effects should be carried out taking into account the soil structure interaction. Purpose. Conduct field studies of the soil structure interaction under seismic impacts, simulationand registration of dynamic impact to verify compliance with modeling techniques of interaction of critical facilities with soil in the system "soil - foundation - structure" to the results of field tests. Conclusion.In the course of this work was carried out simulation and registration of dynamic impact carried out near the building VCS-2. Obtained seismograms and accelerograms at the free surface, and the marks on the building. Shows the implementation methodology rapid deployment ofseismological equipment guralp CMG-40TD.
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