The principles shaping of high-techactive energy complex - houses


  • G. U. Nevgomonnyi Department of Ukraine-stady, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine,, Ukraine


renewable energy sources, energy activemulti-storey building


Summary. Raising of problem.Every year more and more countries in the world (Sweden, Finland, Russia, Spain, Israel and many others) rely on the Construction of tall buildings. This is typical of the current decade, recent history. Interest in energy-efficient construction of high-rise buildings caused in primarily by economic considerations. The energy-efficient buildings are those which design was provided by the complex of architectural and engineering activities, providing a significant reduction in energy consumption for heating these buildings compared to conventional (typical) buildings while enhancing comfort indoor environment. The methodology of designing energy-efficient tower building should be based on systematicanalysis of the building as a unified energy system.  World's natural resources are: coal - 909 064 billion t..; оil – 12 580 milliard barrels; Natural gas - 173trillion m3. Considering the factor, that more than 2.3 billion tons of coal, 30 187milliard m3 of oil and gas is consumed for a year, it will be more than enough of natural resources for the following years: coal for 200 years, oil - 42 years, gas - up to 65 years [1; 3; 5]. Now there is the global economic downturn, so it is necessary to find alternative natural resources. An effective way of solving this problem is energy saving measures inculcating and state support use, based on managing alternative renewable energy sources in the nearest future. The usage of renewable energy sources will increase the energy of the world, and also will provide environmental cleanliness, social and economic development. Purpose. The purpose of the study is scientific justification principles of architectural formation decisions of the power-rise energy efficient complexes and developing methods of architectural design of PRBC using wind energy. To develop the science-based principles forming the architectural buildings with the use of alternative energy and determine the specific features of the architectural design of buildings. Analysis the principles shaping of active energy complexhouses using solar energy. Conclusion.The principles of architectural forming in the use of wind power and identify possible trends for the development of buildings with integrated wind installations. Polyfunctional wind power plants are in special propertiesof certain material and structural elements of the building structure, improve aerodynamic performance of the outer shell and therefore wind energy devices. Thus, the power efficiency of energy active building depends on itsspace solutio. The most efficient in terms of minimizing heat loss is a circular shape. It has the smallest perimeter and that’s why building with circular shape in the planwill have the smallest area enclosing parts. Another advantage of the circular shape of the building -if the building’s facade is covered, the process of electrical energy generation will be much efficient. Considering a great step production in a short period of time, we can assume that the common way of their usage will change. 

Author Biography

G. U. Nevgomonnyi, Department of Ukraine-stady, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine,



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Стаття рекомендована до друку д-ром тех.наук Соколовим І.А., (Україна) д-ром тех.наук, проф. Кравчуновской Т.С., (Україна)





Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes