The management as an additional factor for improving the reliability of scheduling


  • А. А. Martysh Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


scheduling, organizational and technological reliability, parametric failure.


Summary.The article is devoted to solving scientific task ofimproving the reliability of construction schedules through improved methods of planning and choice of rational management regimes. The aim of the article isto establish the impact of organizational and technological solutions inthe planning stage and management process on the reliability of the final result.The article explores the process of construction scheduling, taking into account the probabilistic nature of the contributing factors, as well as organizational and technological and management processes. Such processes provide a needed reliability implementation schedules construction. The study revealed a functional relationship between the level of reliability of the plan, the requiredlevel of reliability of the final result and the intensity of management. For getting more effective scheduling, it is necessary to takeinto account the role of management in the reliability of the final result acquiring. The basis for the research is the approach that the intensity parameter of works is used as a priority in the planning. Most of the works as part of the planned schedule have a certain reserve in the intensity of implementation, which is determined by production capacity: the intensity of resource consumption and its supplies. During some limited time interval performer can increase the intensity of work within a certain range, thereby compensating backlogs on the previous stages, using internal resources. To do this, effective management is required. Management realizes itself when there is a different level of consumption (expenditure) of the resource and the possibility of redistribution among the executed works. This article describes such management tool, as a contour map of the intensity of work, which allows you toplan speed of execution of works at various stages of construction to improve the reliability of the time parameters of the final result. 

Author Biography

А. А. Martysh, Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

Cand.Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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Статья рекомендована к публикации д-ром.техн.наук, проф. Млодецкий В. Р. (Украина); д-ром.техн.наук, проф. Кравчуновскаz Т. С. (Украина)





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