Mathematical modeling of the process of organizing the construction of high-rise multifunctional complexes
high-rise construction, high-rise building, high-rise multifunctional complex, organizational and technological decisions, resources, duration, costAbstract
Abstract. Purpose.When choosing a rational variant of the construction of high-rise multifunctional complex, the advantage must be granted such an option, that with minimal capital investment to get the maximum total area and minimum operating costs of the facility. This requires appropriate mathematical models and methods of determining the rational variants of construction ofhighrise multifunctional complexes including the current regulatory framework and the determining factors surrounding buildings. Methodology. Morphological methods are powerful tools of research, the essence of which is as follows: first, as a result of the morphological analysis determines the search space, the so-called morphological variety, which must necessarily include the desired solution, and then reducing this space, searching the decision, which is a morphological element of the set. However, morphological methods operate on only part of the domain knowledge, with regard to morphology. Therefore, they should be supplemented by methods of mathematical modeling of the investigated processes (objects). Findings. In solving the problem of forming the set of all possible variants of the organizational and technological decisions of construction of high-rise multifunctional complexes – from choosing the design solutions and testing their adaptability to the justification ofthe adopted organizational and technological solutions by matching the given specific conditions of production work – it is advisable to apply combinatorial and morphological methods of analysis and synthesis. Originality. The selection of the rational variant of construction of high-rise multifunctional complexes in the conditions of dense urban development requires the formation of many ways the high-rise construction for a variety of conditions and formalizes the description of the total construction cost, the total operating expenditure during the regulatory period of operation and resulting total area for each of the options. Practical value. The proposed mathematical model and method of choice of rational method of construction of high-rise multifunctional complexes in dense urban areas that allow to define the rational variant of high-rise building according tospecified criteria and constraints.
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