The calculation of the cost of green building uvk №131 of dnepropetrovsk


  • O. О. Verhun Department of Ecol and Environmental Protection , State Higher Education Establishment Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernyshevskogo Str., 24 a, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. A. Timoshenko Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, State Higher Education Establishment Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernyshevskogo Str., 24 a, Ukraine, Ukraine


«green» accomplishment, planting, green plantations, charges for the planting, state of the planting.


Introduction .Green plantations on the territory of educational institutions have half-functional meaning: sanitary and hygienic, protecting, architectural and artistic, fire-prevention, educational. The subject of researchis analysis of planting state of SEC №131 and calculation the costs for the « green» accomplishment of  the  state territory. The aim of publicationis cost valuation of the planting and accomplishment work of the study-educational complex in Dnipropetrovsk city for increase of sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, recreational and educational territory condition. The statement of problem. Taking into consideration the data of ecological and hygienic monitoring, state of children morbidity, role of nature environmental factors, heavy meaning in correction and neutralization negative influence of the anthropogenic factors on forming ecologically protected environment vital activity must have actions of school environment enhancement. The important roles in this one have green plantations that have sanitary and hygienic, decorative and ornamental, emotional and psychological functions. Planting of greenery in school territories must become component part of health-improving technologies system. Methodology. The methodology of definition the «green» accomplishment cost, adduced calculations of the costs for grass lawns, bushes, flowerbeds arrangement on the territory of the study-educational complex with taking into account sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic and recreational functions of the plants. Results. According to results of the valuations the charges for the «green» accomplishment summed 750583 UAH, the charges for the looking after green plantations – 42534 UAH, the charges for the reconstruction of plantations -18260 UAH. The arrangement of the flowerbeds (phlox, anemone, primula, snowflake, aster, tulip, crocus), planting the deciduous species of trees (poplar, platan), planting the bushes (privet) and arrangement the lawns. 

Author Biographies

O. О. Verhun, Department of Ecol and Environmental Protection , State Higher Education Establishment Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernyshevskogo Str., 24 a, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Tech), Associate of Professor

O. A. Timoshenko, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, State Higher Education Establishment Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernyshevskogo Str., 24 a, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Tech), Associate of Professor


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