Building technologies improvement to apply loadbearing reserves capacityof pile foundations


  • K. M. Bikus Foundation Engineering Department, State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


the piles are not connected toplate grillage under its loading, passive preloading pile, the load bearing reserves capacity of pile foundations, «loading – unloading» cycles of piles, changesequence of building operations.


Problem statement. It is known that the improvement of reliabilityin geotechnical construction is determined by not clear engineering and geotechnical solutions and as a result requires higher materials consumption. However, this method is not a reasonable solution in terms of current economic conditions. It is time to apply highly professional design concepts – ground warp with maximum load. Purpose. To propose a practical method of taking into account the load bearing reserves capacity of pile foundations under individual engineering and geological conditions. Findings. In order to make efficient use of load bearing reserves capacity of pile foundations the following methods have been suggested. Firstly, to separate the pile work and raft (at a certain stage of construction). Secondly, to perform active and passive pile load by means of superstructures and apply piles when necessary. Originality. It is necessary to reconsider and change the techniques ofpile foundation construction, sequence of building operations as well as principles and approaches to design. The proposed technology of buildings construction can provide interactive management of bases and buildings parameters. It willmake possible to modify building operation of a project during its construction process by means of continuous monitoring of stress and deformation condition. Practical value. The above mentioned technology helps take into account soil properties and interaction of foundations with superstructures; at the development stage it allows to erect the building higher or to make pile foundation dimensions smaller and as a result to save. 

Author Biography

K. M. Bikus, Foundation Engineering Department, State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Prof.



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