Preparation of hydraulic lime raw mixture with reduced energy potential
raw meal, astringent, hydraulic lime, dolomite screenings, waste coal, thermal energy potential, ash.Abstract
Purpose. Reduced energy consumption for firing the binder is an important task, which is solved by determining the ratio of the thermal energy potential raw material mixture consisting of waste coal and dolomite screenings. Methodology. For the production of hydraulic lime used such man-made products such as dolomite screenings and waste coal containing fuel component, and clay minerals. We obtain a graph of the lower operating heat of combustion of fuel in waste coal ash waste from coal enrichment (55 - 85%). Findings. Research evidence that for maximum strength feedstocks are taken in proportions dolomite screenings to waste coal from 2: 1 to 1: 1. According to the results of chemical analysis determined the chemical composition of the raw mix.Originality. The amount of heat energy released by the combustion of 1 kg of waste coal is determined by the total content of combustible mass in waste coal. Practical value. Estimation of thermal energy efficiency of the raw material mixture of dolomite screenings and waste coal binder during firing - hydraulic lime is 25-70% depending on the content of waste coal preparation and thermal energy potential.
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