The analysis of the development of mobile housing in the territory ukrainetodey


  • T. A. Tsymbalova Department of architectural design and design, State higher educational institution "Dnieper state Academy of construction and architecture", Chernyshevskogo str, 24-a, 49600 Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


mobile housing, temporary housing, internally displaced persons, energy efficiency, environmental safety.


Abstract. Statement of the problem. Currently in Ukraine there  is a complex social and demographic situation related to the rovision of housing internally displaced persons from the zone of unstable political situation in the East of the country. One way of solving  the  acute  housing  problem  may  be  the  use  of  a  residential  mobile  technologies.  The  functional-constructive  solution  of mobile housing must be designed, constructed, and operated based on the requirements of energy saving and environmental safety.Goal. Identify the features of the use of mobile housing in Ukraine based on the study of historical and contemporary experience. The analysis of publications. In research on mobility has dealt with such issues: the history of the development of mobile housing and  mobile  settlements)[4]; the  experience  of  rapid  response  in  the  construction  of  housing  for  immigrants  (after  the  Chernobyl disaster)[1]; the creation and transformation of mobile buildings and the appearance of the kinematic architecture)[5]; the principles of dynamic adaptation of architectural space to changes of environmental conditions and identify requirements  for its formation ) [11].  It  seems  reasonable  to  study  the  use  of  mobile  technologies  living  in  modern  Ukraine.  Conclusions.  Constructive  and technological  possibilities  of  mobile  housing  allow  the  use  of  its  typological  range  to  solve  the  housing  problem  in  Ukraine,  in particular to provide temporary housing for the displaced persons.

Author Biography

T. A. Tsymbalova, Department of architectural design and design, State higher educational institution "Dnieper state Academy of construction and architecture", Chernyshevskogo str, 24-a, 49600 Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine



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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov