Improvement of existing methods of buildings construction of industrial use


  • I. V. Trifonov Department of Technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • L. V. Kyslytsia Department of Technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. G. Datsko Department of Technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


technology and organization of assembling of metal silos, method of growing, energy expenses.


Abstract.  Goals. To  analyze  the  existing  methods  of  construction  of  buildings  for  industrial  use  in  the  agricultural  sector  of Ukraine. To identify the ways to improve technology which is aimed at reducing the cost and complexity of operations performed during  construction  of  these  facilities. Methods.  Construction  of  industrial  buildings  involves  considerable  investments:  the concentration of significant logistical and human resources, complex deliveries within the prescribed time - constructions, materials, technology  of  growing,  the  introduction  of  advanced  technology  including  crew  equipment  with  normal  tool  sets  and  means  of mechanization, timely provision of project documentation. Therefore, the main challenge in terms of technology and organization of work is the introduction of scientific and technological progress, the use of progressive forms of scientific work organization, which will ensure high quality of performed work. Results. The article analyzes the existing methods of construction of steel silo towers; the expediency of technology improving of assembling with growing method is proved. Scientific novelty. Further development of justification of limits of possible application of various lifting equipment, depending on constructive particularities of silage steel casing is presented. Practical significance. The proposed technology and organization of element-based assembly of steel silos with growing method  more  reasonably  allows  to  make  more  effective  choice  of  assembly  equipment at  the  stage  of  technical  task development with consideration of prognostic indexes of cost and labor intensity of manufacturing operations.

Author Biographies

I. V. Trifonov, Department of Technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

PhD, prof.

L. V. Kyslytsia, Department of Technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

PhD, as. prof.

V. G. Datsko, Department of Technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Prydniprovska State Academy of Engineering and Architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine



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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov