Methodology of orphanages for social adaptation of children of preschool and school age
orphanage, children - orphans, education, architecture, pedagogy.Abstract
Annotation. Goal. o create new methods of orphanages for children of preschool and school-age children, where children will become more adapted for life. Methods. Using a systematic approach to the matter, which consists of the research and analysis of the economic and political situation in Ukraine, the existing regulatory framework and research in psychology and pedagogy, state space planning and design features of orphanages in Ukraine and abroad. Results. We propose a technique of designing orphanages, which is based on: the number of orphans, establishing planning property residential institutions for various forms of education of children, taking into account foreign and domestic experience. Define the composition and mutual arrangement of the premises in accordance with the methods of education and typological properties of boarding schools for orphans. Scientific novelty. Any form of maintenance and upbringing of orphans, there must be mechanisms to evaluate the efficiency of use of available resources in the state. The proposed directions of development of public policies that establish a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the organization and content of education for orphans, for the organization of social services, as well as for project-oriented organizations. Practical significance. The proposed technique can work to put the organization of education of orphans to a higher level, subordinate to all existing Ukrainian resources to achieve the main goal, to make the process of innovation, and to attract investment.
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Elektronnij resurs rezhim dostupu:
Elektronnij resurs rezhim dostupu:
Elektronnij resurs rezhim dostupu:
Elektronnij resurs rezhim dostupu:
Статья рекомендована к публикации: д-ром. техн. наук, проф. Л.С. Савиным (Украина) и д-ром. техн. наук, проф. О.В.Сергейчуком (Украина)
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