Organization of the safe working conditions and rest of citizens on the factors of noise pollution


  • P. Sankov Department of Architecture, State Higher Educational Institution «Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24a, Chernyshevs’kogo St., Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine, Ukraine


noise pollution, mobile systems, landscaping, safe working conditions, work, rest.


Goal. Scientific studies and analysis capabilities of enhance life safety in residential and industrial areas of modern cities using mobile systems gardening. Methods. Using a systematic approach in analytical studies, literature, modern urban planning development  specialists ecology  and life for the purpose of safe working conditions and rest of citizens on noise pollution factor using landscaping reconstruction of modern cities. Results. In this work, the technique of safe working conditions and rest of citizens on  noise  pollution  factor  proposed  by  using  landscaping  reconstruction  of  modern  cities  with  regard  to  foreign  and  domestic experience. Proposed  as  one  of  the  most  important  areas  in  the development  of  the  architecture of  the  city - the  modern  way  of forming ecological zones of comfort in terms compacted construction of residential areas and reconstruction of industrial zones. The basis of the method laid: greening of rooftops, building eco car parks, landscaping mobile systems. The latter is proposed to use as landscaped sound walls along noisy road and rail routes, around places of car-Parking in residential areas of cities and territories noisy industries or industries requiring protection from noise and dust caused by neighboring businesses.. Scientific novelty. First, based on the definition of the system state, landscaped and recreational areas developed for urban activities landscaping of various areas of the modern city with the help of mobile systems, landscaping to create zones of ecological comfort, and most importantly - a solution to the problem of lack of space in urban space to accommodate such zones. Practical significance. - creating safe living conditions in different functional areas of modern cities; - Reducing the volume of pollution areas cities constituents, which aims to protect people from harmful effects and pollution; - An increase in area and number of objects recreational purposes in terms of the reconstruction of modern cities.

Author Biography

P. Sankov, Department of Architecture, State Higher Educational Institution «Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24a, Chernyshevs’kogo St., Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine

Ph.D., Assoc. prof.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov