Assessment heat loss house that have defects and obsolescence walling


  • V. O. Petrenko Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", st. Chernyshevskogo 24A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • A. O. Petrenko Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", st. Chernyshevskogo 24A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • R. B. Papirnyk Department of technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", st. Chernyshevskogo 24A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


climate, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, microclimate parameters, human, well-being


Abstract. The article concerns the problem consider the problem of providing of microclimate in the premises of the building based defects and obsolescence walling and life support systems. An analysis by the authors show that defects and obsolescence of external  protections  that  building  gets  in  the  operation,  yielding  an  increase  of  heat  residential  buildings  and  aging  leads  to  lifesupport systems to reduce their operational properties. Reduced operating characteristics, such as walling and life support systems leads to a reduction of sanitary conditions of human life.

Author Biographies

V. O. Petrenko, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", st. Chernyshevskogo 24A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


A. O. Petrenko, Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", st. Chernyshevskogo 24A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


R. B. Papirnyk, Department of technology of building production, State Higher Educational Institution "Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture", st. Chernyshevskogo 24A, 49600, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine



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Статья рекомендована к публикации д-ром техн. наук, В.И. Большаковым и д-ром техн. наук, Д.В. Лаухиным (Украина)





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov