Mechanical properties of complex alloyed titanium after severe plastic deformation


  • T. A. Glotka Department “Mechanics”, Zaporozhye National Technical University, Zhukovskogo St., 64, 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • M. N. Perepolkina Department “Mechanics”, Zaporozhye National Technical University, Zhukovskogo St., 64, 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. S. Omelchenko Department “Mechanics”, Zaporozhye National Technical University, Zhukovskogo St., 64, 69063, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, Ukraine


complex-titanium alloys, screw extrusion, structure, mechanical properties, heat treatment


Object. Increasing  of  stability and  mechanical  properties  level  of titanium alloy by means of mechanical-thermal treatment Methodology.  Titanium alloy ВТ25У in submicrocrystalline and heat treated condition was exploited as incoming billets. Microstructure  investigations,  severe  plastic  deformation,  heat  treatment  and  mechanical  tests  were  held. Results.. Specimens  with increased level of mechanical properties and stabilized structural condition were obtained. It was ascertained that SPD by method of screw  extrusion due  to large deformation  degree  and  associated increasing  of  dislocation  density provides  formation  of  uniform structure with saving of titanium billet  incoming linear size. Further isothermal annealing leads to stress relaxation and stabilization of alloy  structural  condition. Scientific novelty..Qualitative  structure  changes  and  mechanical  properties  increased  level  of  complex alloyed titanium were revealed. Practical value. Submicrocrystalline structure formation provides changes of mechanical properties of complex alloyed titanium under elevated temperatures, that is perspective for practical application in aviation industry.


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Статья рекомендована к публикации д-ром техн. наук, В.И. Большаковым и д-ром техн. наук, Д.В. Лаухиным (Украина)





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov