Management of integration and communication by example of educational projects
project environment, persons which interested in the project, factors that determine the success of the project.Abstract
The work is devoted to topical issues – determine the feasibility of integrating process management in a complex dynamic environment, what is environmental education for today. The authors show that in spite of the growing foreign demand for education services, there are still a number of environmental factors negatively influencing the process. The mainconclusion is that the negative impact of external factors as significant because of the absence of an effective environment management system. One of the characteristics of quality management integration process proposed to use the indicator of the achieved level of interaction between stakeholders. The mathematical description of the proposed characteristic, appraising the current level of control and influence. Shown that the main task of the decision is to find a compromise between achievement in the desired level of control (influence) and overall organizational costs. Is a graphical model of the dynamics of the counter losses due to changes in cost and increase control of environmental factors. Shows the integral curve of the interdependence of decisions aimed at strengthening the power (influence) and reduction, as a consequence, the risk of losses from uncontrolled process. Сonclusion. Both models indicate the effectiveness of the decisions taken and can be used in the calculation and analysis of the project activities, indicating whether the decisions correct and how much from the standpoint of the interests of the existing forces that are interested in the project.
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