Theoretical description of modification membrane surfase when applying the velocity layer


  • N. P. Nechitaylo Department of water-supply, water- diversion and hydraulics, State higher educational establishment the "Pridneprovskaya state academy of building and architecture", street of Chernyshevskogo, 24-а, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


membrane, dynamic layer, mass transfer.


Theoretically  study  and  modeling  of  the  formation  of  the  modifying  layer  on  the  membrane  surface. Methods.Membrane modification process is a fairly complex set of physical and chemical processes associated with mass transfer. Result. The paper presents mathematical modeling of mass transfer processes in the formation of modifying the dynamic layer on the membrane surface, shows an approximate estimate of the formation of a dynamic layer by introducing a membrane-forming additives and a theoretical description of the process. Scientific novelty. The main dependence and shows controlling factors for generating modified dynamic layer on the membrane surface. Practical significance. Understanding the mechanism of dynamic layer allows you to manage the process of change in the properties of the membrane to give it the necessary characteristics of permeability.

Author Biography

N. P. Nechitaylo, Department of water-supply, water- diversion and hydraulics, State higher educational establishment the "Pridneprovskaya state academy of building and architecture", street of Chernyshevskogo, 24-а, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov