The pulsewise method for controlling corrosion and mechanical destruction of equipment


  • O. G. Arkhipov Department of General and Physical Chemistry, East Ukrainian National University n.a. V. Dal, Technological institute The Soviet 59th and Severodonetsk, Ukraine
  • O. V. Liubymova-Zinchenko Кафедра оборудования химических предприятий, Восточноукраинский национальный университет им. В. Даля, Технологический институт, пр. Советский 59-а, г. Северодонецк, Ukraine
  • D. A. Kovalyov Kafedra equipment of chemical plants, East Ukrainian National University n.a. V. Dal, Technological institute The Soviet 59th and Severodonetsk, Ukraine


corrosion, impulse of destruction, of corrosion-mechanical destruction, of corrosion monitoring, electrochemical sensor.


Abstract. Since the advent of the first technological objects, the problem one number in Chemical and Petrochemical industry is corrosion  and  premature  corrosion-mechanical  destruction  of  the  equipment.  Despite  scales  of  damages,  mass  replacement  of constructions  in production  takes  to  the  minimum,  and  therefore,  prevail  reconstruction  works.  Installation  of  the  systems  of the corrosion monitoring and control in the most vulnerable parts of technological objects remains the major method of prevention to the premature output of equipment from the working state. This can be done by means of the corrosion monitoring which could use for any  materials and environments  to identify of character  and corrosion rate. Therefore, it  is important to select the  most effective combination  of  methods  of  corrosion  control.  There  are  four  electrochemical  methods  of  corrosive  control:  linear  polarizationresistance;  the  alternating  current  impedance;    measurement  of  electrical  noise;  measurement  of  electrode  potential.  The  new electrochemical impulsive method for monitoring of corrosion-mechanical damage of metal is developed. It estimates the damage degree by the general amount of the registered impulses and dynamics of their appearance during corrosion-mechanical destruction.The  offered  method  allows  us  to  control  of  corrosion-mechanical  damage  of  technological  equipment  by  the  change  of  two parameters: difference potential of equipment in time and dynamics of appearing of impulses of destruction.

Author Biographies

O. G. Arkhipov, Department of General and Physical Chemistry, East Ukrainian National University n.a. V. Dal, Technological institute The Soviet 59th and Severodonetsk

Dr.Ss. (Tech), Prof.

O. V. Liubymova-Zinchenko, Кафедра оборудования химических предприятий, Восточноукраинский национальный университет им. В. Даля, Технологический институт, пр. Советский 59-а, г. Северодонецк, Ph.D.

D. A. Kovalyov, Kafedra equipment of chemical plants, East Ukrainian National University n.a. V. Dal, Technological institute The Soviet 59th and Severodonetsk, Ph.D.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov