Integrated use of agricultural waste for the sustainable development of agricultural socio-ecocomplexes as closed ecosystem
Agricultural waste, byproducts, sustainable development, closed ecosystemAbstract
Every year, the European Union will yield about 1.3 billion tons of waste, of which about 700 million make agricultural residues. The problem of disposal of these by-products manufacturing requires effective solutions. To date, much of the waste incineration plant is exposed, which is not consistent with the concept of sustainable development. The work is devoted to the vital processes of human and industrial activity, taking into account the life cycle from the standpoint of the concept of sustainable development. Such an approach aims to meet the vital needs of human rights and the integration of secure production environment, improve the quality of life of the rural population. Goal. Consideration of the comprehensive utilization of agricultural wastes and by-products for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and the residential areas as a closed ecosystem. Scientific novelty and practical significance of this work lies in the possibility of creating environmental and friendly to human and nature habitats through the use of agricultural waste as a renewable, cheap in construction, operation and disposal of environmentally friendly building materials; ensuring high energy efficiency of residential and industrial segments of the agricultural sector through the use of plant agricultural run as efficient thermal insulation of the building envelope and renewable autonomous energy sources, waste products - as a modifier of energy fuel oil; minimizing impacts on natural ecosystems through innovative pyrolysis technology of solid waste disposal, industrial waste; maintaining the direction of organic farming by restoring vermicompost technology intensive mineralization of plant agricultural run-off, biogas products, products of sewage treatment plants, pyrolysis products of organic waste. Conclusions. Thanks to the research and development of scientific bases of technologies of recycling of agricultural wastes and by-products (plant, animal, any hazardous waste) creates a vicious cycle of agricultural and municipal services within the agrarian socioecocomplexes.Downloads
Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes
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