Concrete properties managing for the construction of massive structures working in water environment
massive hydrotechnical structures, concrete heat emission, temperature crack resistance, multi-parameter concrete mix designAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of the work is to develop an algorithm of concrete properties managing for massive structures, working in water environment, which allows to take certain prescription and technological solutions, as well as to carry out their adjustments, depending on local conditions changing. Methodology. Main performance properties of concrete, connected with its structure characteristics, are possible to combine by sufficiently clear connection with the W/C ratio (strength, permeability). These connections are used in tasks of multi-parameter design of concrete, where some properties are associated with the compressive strength by correlation dependencies. Nevertheless, a number of concrete properties have not sufficiently clear connection with its structural and mechanical characteristics. In particular, the heat emission - one of the most important properties for a massive concrete structures. For obtaining the general algorithm of massive structures concrete properties managing it is necessary to analyze the relationships of hardening concrete heat emission, temperature crack resistance and its composition. Findings. The assessment of the requirements for concrete properties, which are the management criteria of certain prescription or technological solutions to provide the codes and design requirements is carried out. On the basis of specified requirements, the task of obtaining high-quality concrete for massive structure is solved using prescription, technological and structural solutions. During developing the algorithm prescription solutions are accepted as main influencing factors (the content of components in the composition of concrete and its characteristics). Technological and structural solutions are considered as compensatory solutions, if it is impossible (not appropriate) to achieve the desired result only by prescription solutions. Thus, massive structures concrete properties managing may be carried out in the order: groups of factors selection that influence on the basic properties (concrete heat emission); analysis of these factors influence on the other controlled properties of the concrete; restricting the allowable values of factors; search compensatory solutions if it is necessary to break the acceptable factors values. Originality. An addition for algorithm of concrete properties managing for massive structures, working in water environment, which allows to take certain prescription and technological solutions, as well as to carry out their adjustments, depending on local conditions changing is considered. Practical value. Obtaining of algorithm for solving thus prescription – technological task allows to make a a more flexible decision for providing the required quality of massive structures concrete, adjusting the concrete mix or technology parameters depending on some input parameters changing (operating conditions, the requirements for a specific concrete structure in accordance with the project).References
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