Methods of calculating the strength of steelconcrete elements


  • D. G. Petrenko Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport., Ukraine


steel concrete column, load bearing capacity, axial compression, concrete nucleus, steel case.


Purpose. In modern construction steel concrete structure rightfully occupy a leading position. Using, as bearing elements, designs with a continuous external steel caseare economically feasible. Steel case, replacing the reinforcing rods takes efforts in all directions and at any angle. Concrete under full compression withstand voltage exceeds its prism strength. However, the widespread adoption of steel concrete structures in our country, are hampered by lack of consensus on the methodology of their design and strength calculation at the force action. Therefore, the exact definition of the limit state is essential duringthe strength calculation. Methodology. The most widespread calculation methods of steel-concrete elements under axial compression, each of which is based on the original premises, were used as the basis of calculation formulas. Due to the fact that the steel concrete elements have clearly expressed the moment of destruction were taken into account peculiarities of teamwork materials. Findings. The analysis of the results comparison of own experimental and theoretical researches with data of domestic and foreign authors obtained both experimentally and various, engineering techniques were provided by the author. Originality. The results of experimental studies indicate good convergence of the proposed mathematical apparatus for assessing the strength and bearing capacity of steel concrete elements, including calculations for various methods under consideration. Practical value. The technique is based on the discovery of a contact interaction between the concrete core operating under volumetric stress state, and steel concrete element clip at short static loading, can reliably describe its stress-strain state.

Author Biography

D. G. Petrenko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Department of structural mechanics and hydraulics,

a graduate student.


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