Given the intensity in plasners under the influence of temperature deformation of the system "GAZOBETON MASONRY-PLASTERS" the design of the plasner solutions



сriteria for assigning properties plaster, masonry of autoclaved aerated concrete, plaster coating for atoklavnogo aerated


Purpose. To develop criteria for setting of properties and selection of composition of clout solutions of primenyaemykh for laying, executed from an autoclave aerocrete. Planning of compositions and properties, clout solutions it is necessary to conduct taking into account one of basic criteria-tensions of arising up clout coverage from his usadki and difference of deformations with laying at hardening, and also deformations of a wall construction and coverage during exploitation. It is necessary to provide such level of tensions in clout coverage and contact area to the sizes, less, than destroying. Method. Results are got by the calculation of tensions in clout coverage through formulas, programs «Ansis», «Lira» and the twofactor planned experiment with the use of the system of COMPEX 2000, on the basis of experimental and literary information of fiziko-mechanical descriptions of the gazobetonnoy laying and clout solutions. Results. Findings confirm that one of basic criteria at setting of properties and compositions of clout solutions, there must be tensions in clout coverage. Scientific novelty. The development of ideas about the criteria under which properties should be appointed and designed compositions plaster masonry of autoclaved aerated concrete. The practical significance. The criteria on the basis of which you want to assign properties and design compositions plaster masonry of autoclaved aerated concrete.

Author Biographies

V. A. Paruta, Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture.

Department of Building Materials,


I. V. Brynzin, OOO UDK.



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