Ecological aspects of power supply systems using alternative energy sources



solar energy, energy active fence, emissions, the energy supply system in construction


Purpose. To identify the factors that can help reduce harmful emissions into the environment in the implementation and modernization of industrial, recreational and public utilities energy systems that use alternative sources of energy (solar energy, ambient heat, heat vent emissions, etc.) and energetically active fencing. Methodology. Based on the analysis of the harmful effects on the biosphere, emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels, the electric power supply structures for various purposes predicted major environmental effects of the introduction of innovative energy systems. Results. To reduce the amount of traditional energy in the electric power supply facilities for industrial, residential and recreational facilities are encouraged to use universal integrated energy supply system and air-conditioning. System using alternative sources of energy is completed energetically active fences, heat pump, heat storage, etc. Its advantage is that it combines the functions of a variety of engineering systems and facilities provided by the transformation, redistribution of energy flow object. Improving the environmental situation is possible due to the restructuring of fuel infrastructure, transport and distribution of energy; reduce pollutant emissions by saving energy, the effective functioning of the process equipment, i.e. a significant reduction in consumption of organic fuels (gas, coal, etc.) conservation of the hydrosphere and others. Scientific novelty. To substantially reduce the energy consumption it is proposed to apply power supply systems, where innovative elements are the energy-active fencing. A feature of these systems is the ability to perceive, transform and redistribute energy alternative sources - solar energy, heat the soil and air, including air discharges. Such systems are able to partially or completely replace the energy generated by traditional means of energy supply and therefore help to reduce harmful emissions. The practical significance. Housing modernization in Ukraine with the use of energy systems based on alternative sources of energy active fences will reduce consumption of fossil fuels by over 40% in the energy balance of Ukraine. 

Author Biography

L. V. Nakashidze, Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar.

Energy Research Institute,

Cand. tehn. science, senior scien. researcher.


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes