The role of management in achieving the necessary levels of organizational-technological reliability during calendar plan implementation



scheduling, organizational and technological reliability, failure


The thesis is devoted to solving scientific problems of improving the reliability of construction schedules through improved planning methods and choice of rational management modes. The aim is establishing the impact of organizational and technological solutions at the stage of planning and management process to achieve reliable end result. We consider the scheduling of construction by considering probabilistic nature of the influencing factors, as well as organizational and technological and management processes that affect the reliability of schedules. The dependencies allow to quantify the dynamics of growth of uncertainty in terms of work schedule. That allows you to monitor the reliability during the process of plan realization. Techniques developed in the paper provides reliability to achieve the end result is higher than the original.

Author Biography

A. A. Martysh, Pridneprovs'k State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Department of Construction technology,

Cand.Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.


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