Influence of dynamic loads from subway on stress-strain state of bearing structures
dynamic load, subway, high-rise buildings, stress-strain state of bearing structuresAbstract
Purpose. One of the main problems of modern urban planning is the density of buildings. In Kiev, as in many modern cities are actively constructed new modern high-rise buildings, as well as a new subway station. The article considers the problem of the influence of subway on the load-bearing structures of high-rise buildings. Methods. As an example, consider a monolithic building in Kiev, near-Svyatoshino-Brovarska subway line. In program complexes was modeled dynamic influence on the load-bearing structures of the building. Results. Based on the results of the calculations are made decisions to increase the reliability of the load-bearing structures and the building in general. Scientific novelty. In modern design and the further building of the city are not taken into account the impacts from subway lines, and such effect carries a destructive nature. It is proposed f method for simulation of dynamic loads and further consideration of such fluctuations. The practical importance. When taking into account the dynamic effects of the load-bearing structure of the building at the design stage, it is possible to significantly improve the quality and accuracy of the calculations that ensure the reliability of the building during its further operation.References
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