New problems of structural dynamics in the diagnosis and monitoring of technical state of constructions
diagnostics, building construction, building and construction, dynamic passportAbstract
Purpose. Search for the most urgent tasks, and how to use dynamic analysis and dynamic performance - as a way to diagnose and evaluate the technical condition of construction sites. Methodology. It is proposed to use the complex theoretical and experimental research and work: the use of software systems using the finite element method (FEM); compilation of systems of differential equations of linear and nonlinear oscillations of the static-dynamic models of buildings and their numerical solution methods; experimental methods for measuring vibration level, vibration measurement laboratory testing equipment. Findings. Until recently, the results of dynamic tests on the instructions of standards included in the list of works of special surveys. The existing regulations on the design and calculation of dynamic characteristics of structures not connected with diagnostics facilities. A complete sample survey or with difficult access to undiscovered sites and surface requires enormous effort and resources, measurement and instrument base, highly qualified personnel. In this connection, it should develop the capacity of such, for example, variants of non-destructive methods of control as vibrodynamic situ tests - which will allow for the values of the dynamic response (frequency and form, the oscillation amplitude) to determine possible damage (and even locate their location). This method is, firstly, a quantitative assessment and characterizes some quality of the technical state of the individual components and structures in general. On the basis of specific targets for inspection of industrial and other structures set up such options of dynamic passports: vibrotehnologic; vibroekologic; seismodynamic (including - in the problems of industrial, urban transport and seismic), and others. The authors developed effective methods of theoretical studies of linear and nonlinear vibrations of structures with different damping devices. Originality. The results and methods of use of an integrated approach to the diagnosis of structures - taking into account the non-linearities in the model (as well as the connected devices to reduce fluctuations) were obtained and used for the first time. Practical value. These methods allow you to perform diagnostics vibrodynamic construction projects, which is an alternative (conventional survey) method. This methodology is applied in a number of complex building projects.References
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