Development of affordable housing taking into account the concept of sustainable urban development



residential construction, affordable housing, social housing, cost, sustainable development


Purpose. Today, in most cities of Ukraine have accumulated a large-scale, critical issues that impede their normal functioning and sustainable development. Among common to most cities of the issues are: housing problem; complete or almost complete exhaustion of residential areas within the cities for traditional housing districts; the poor state of engineering networks and systems; the limited traffic capacity of urban roads; the problem of creating organized parking of personal vehicles; insufficient security of the population a system of social services. Among these problems, the housing problem is especially acute. Given a large enough demand, new housing is being built not on the scale that you need, and price is quite high, even for Kyiv with incomes above the average. Methodology. Determination of conditions for the development of affordable housing with the concept of sustainable urban development based on the analysis of the existing housing stock in Kyiv, the volume and structure of housing, territorial assessment resources for affordable housing, ways and methods of solution. Findings. Establishes the basic conditions, limitations and considerations of affordable housing. Originality. Further research on the development of the method of formation, evaluation, selection and substantiation of rational organizational and technological solutions of affordable housing will help to achieve better values of the predicted technical and economic performance within the available restrictions on the total cost of the project and the general living area, which can be obtained as a result of project implementation. Practical value. Application of the technique of substantiation of technical and economic indicators of the construction of affordable housing taking into account the rational choice of organizational and technological solutions in the context of limited resources will minimize costs and ensure the quality of construction products in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Author Biographies

T. S. Kravchunovska, Pridneprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Department of planning and organization of production,

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

S. P. Bronevytskyi, Municipal organization "Institute of General plan of Kyiv".

Cand. Sc. (Tech.)


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes