Increase of effective indexes petrol engine by way disconnecting of cylinders stop of piston


  • Т. Коlеsnikova Pridneprovs'k State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture., Ukraine


fuel economy, mechanism of stop of pistons, mathematical model, working process, module disconnecting of cylinders


Purpose. Increase of fuel economy of petrol engine by disconnecting of part of working cylinders by the stop of pistons. Methodology. For gaining end it is necessary: to do the analysis of combustion engines different structural charts, and also to define conceptions of unconventional engine with the module disconnecting of cylinders as bases for research of mechanism of stop of pistons (MSP), on the worked out mathematical model of working process of mechanism of stop of pistons to undertake a study of engine with disconnecting of cylinders the stop of pistons for determination of his economic indicators. Findings. By means of the worked out mathematical model of process of including of mechanism of stop of pistons the variants of work were worked out METAL-OXIDE-SEMICONDUCTOR at the different values of his structural parameters depending on frequency of turns of crankshaft. The tests checked for a mathematical model with disconnecting of cylinders due to the stop of pistons showed the improvement of fuel economy on 54% on the mode φ = 5% and n = 3000 min- 1. Originality. The new quantitative indexes of petrol engine are got with the module disconnecting of cylinders. Practical value. The use of mathematical model and algorithm of calculation of mechanism of the module disconnecting of cylinders by the stop of pistons at planning of engines will allow to estimate their fuel economy.

Author Biography

Т. Коlеsnikova, Pridneprovs'k State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Department of Exploitation and repair of machines,

Cand. Sc. (Tech.)


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