Technological bases of formation of a high-rise building cities on the basis of the principles of sustainable development
, high-rise construction, high-rise building, high-rise multifunctional complex, organizational and technological decisions, resources, duration, costAbstract
Purpose. The rapid development of modern industrial civilization has led to the global crisis and to the problems of sustainable development, covering diverse aspects of human life. The state of contemporary ukrainian society is characterized by a large variety of problems, many of which demands immediate solution. All these problems are closely interrelated and therefore need to be managed comprehensively. Socio-economic modernization of Ukraine's regions cannot be accomplished without the implementation of activities aimed at ensuring sustainable development of cities. Indeed, the majority of Ukraine's population lives in cities. Methodology. The solution to the problem of sustainable development of modern cities, based on the principles of compactness, the priority of a secondary development, focusing on the modernization and development of existing infrastructure, which is due to the increasing number of the urban population, lack of territorial resources to provide the functions of large cities, the need for efficient use of land resources requires the development, justification and implementation of modern architectural, structural, engineering and technological solutions, fire protection measures, hygienic qualities in the field of high-rise construction. Findings. The development trends of cities (high-rise buildings, increasing the number of investors and contractors, increased competition, increased requirements to the quality of construction products) require corresponding changes in the system of organizational and technological design – providing builders and contractors with quality design and estimate documentation. Originality. The analysis of publications of domestic and foreign scientists and experts in the field of high-rise construction allows to establish the presence of a significant number of developments on this issue, however, confirmed the absence of comprehensive scientific basis of organizational and technological solutions in the construction of tall buildings that take into account the specific features of the formation and operation of a high-rise mixed-use complexes, their interaction with the planning system. Practical value. The solution to the problem of increasing the efficiency of the organization and management of construction of high-rise mixed-use complexes can be achieved through the development of concepts, methodological principles, methods, organizational and technological design of high-rise construction on the basis of improvement of the mechanism of formation, evaluation, substantiation and selection of a rational organizational and technological solutions build high-rise multifunctional complexes, aimed at reducing the length of production process and reducing the cost of construction products, taking into account the effect many technological, technical, organizational, temporal, social and cost factors that accompany all stages of the life cycle of objects, to neutralize or localization of their negative influence in the design process and production of construction and installation works.References
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