Given the intensity in plasners under the influence of temperature deformation of the system "gazobeton masonry-plasters" the design of the plasner solutions



еnergy-savings, ecological safety, autoclave aerocrete, wall construction


Purpose. To rotin tekhniko-ekonomicheskie and ecological advantages of application of autoclave aerocrete at erection of object of the civil, industrial and transport setting, as compared to traditional wall materials (by a brick ceramic and silicate, keramzitobetonom, by a limestone by a shell rock). Method. Results are got by the calculation of basic descriptions of wall constructions and as an expert conclusion by comparison of requirements produced in accordance with conception of «Steady development» and properties of autoclave aerocrete and other wall materials (fiziko-mechanical, economic and ecological). Results. Findings confirm that an autoclave aerocrete has considerable advantages on tekhniko-ekonomicheskim and ecological parameters, at erection of object of the civil, industrial and transport setting, as compared to traditional wall materials (by a brick ceramic and silicate, keramzitobetonom, by a limestone by a shell rock). Scientific novelty and practical meaningfulness. Application of autoclave aerocrete is grounded as to innovative technology at erection of object of the civil, industrial and transport setting.

Author Biographies

I. V. Brynzin, UDK LTD.


V. A. Paruta, Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture.

Department of Building Materials,


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes