Meet the challenges of the protection of employees of the special division in extreme situations by heat exposure
individual protection means, special clothes, welding, droplets of molten metal, the metal test methodAbstract
Purpose The development of controls, testing thermal protection materials used for the manufacture of personal protective equipment (PPE) as the existing ones, and at the stage of creating new ones. Method. Currently, there are methods of testing materials with a polymer coating for special clothing that legalized GOST 12.4.058-84 OSSS. "Materials coated for special clothing. Nomenclature ofquality"; GOST 12.4.103-83 OSSS. "Protective overalls. Personal protective feet and hands. Classification"; GOST R 12.4.237-2007 OSSS."Wear a special. Methods of testing the material under the influence of the molten metal spray". Results. It has been established that the existing methods and tools of domestic and foreign production not allow us to study heat-proof materials for the creation and production of PPE and the upper protective clothing for extreme conditions when exposed to high heat fluxes and hot metal particles (sparks). The main methods of testing materials for resistance to sparks on two way earlier - in a frame is clamped test specimen near the surface electric welding is carried out in the form of movement of the electrode along the test specimen. The particles of molten metal fall on the test surface and leave traces in the form of a burn-through adhering particles. Explore the depths of burn, the degree of adhesion, and more. Currently used in more progressive method using molten weld electrode with simultaneous blowing in the direction of the surface of the material being tested. Unfortunately, both methods provide an incandescent drops of different sizes, different weights, different direction with respect to the test material, and uncontrolled heating temperature of a hot drop, which reduces the reliability of the results of the study. Scientific novelty. For the first time proposed a new method to complement existing and obtain more reliable results. Given the drawbacks of existing methods proposed an improved method and installation project for testing thermal protection materials. It created a device that allows you to control the size of droplets, the kinetic energy of impact, the direction of flight and the temperature of a hot particle. Practical meaningfulness. The results of mathematical modeling with known assumptions allowed to determine the scope of the problem of existence, and the method of its practical solutions at a scale to determine the cooling time of hot metal particles and determine the parameters of the terms of reference for the development of the installation, allowing to explore the characteristics, processing the samples heat-shielding materials, particles of hot metal, asking their size, the heating temperature and the speed of impact of the specimen. This will examine the current resistant to sparks heat-proof materials and create new ones with better performance.References
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