Providing of reliable operation of residential buildings of mass development in a lack of information



reconstruction, research model, BIM-technologies, software system, building lifecycle


Purpose. Development of methods of forming of the informational models database for the residential buildings of mass series. A large number of buildings of mass development period is operated for more than 50 years. During this time they have been subjected to physical and moral deterioration. It involves the reconstruction of buildings including the strictly required checking calculations. Such calculations lead to a misrepresented picture of the stress-strain state if the influence of previously executed works hasn’t been taken into consideration. In order to solve a number of problems emerged during the design phase of reconstruction, the methods of forming a database of informational models of residential buildings of mass development. Methodology. The methodological basis to create a database is a qualifier of the object properties of urban development. Qualifier is a structured description of objects and elements displayed on a topographic subbase with the required attributes to describe only the properties displayed on the map (number of floors, material of constructions, residential / non-residential building, property, year of construction, postal address). For other sets of attributes characterized the structural layout of the object, engineering utilities, geological conditions, technical condition etc. the attributive informational units could be created. The paper contains the guidance on how to fill each attributive unit including the source of information. In the general case, the database must contain an information about the operated buildings including administrative and geographical references, the constructional characteristics, technical documentation and also an information about all typical constructions, engineering utilities, engineering-geological surveys, technical conclusion about the possibility of reconstruction and about the technical condition of the structural elements and building as a whole, the results of surveys, research models. One of the conditions to create a functioning database is the availability of common rules and procedures for the digitization and entering a data into the database. Findings. The availability of such database allows to develop an engineering methods of forming the research models of residential buildings of mass development operating in difficult engineering-geological conditions with the use of information on the structural changes for the entire period of operation. Originality and practical value. Principles of formation of the database of informational models of residential buildings of mass development period in a lack of information are further developed. The methods of forming a database of informational models of buildings of mass development on example of large-panel buildings built on standard projects are created. The recommendations on the formation of a database of informational models of buildings of mass development period built according to standard projects are worked out.

Author Biographies

V. A. Banakh, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy.

Chair of Urban Construction and Municipal Development, 

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

A. V. Banakh, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy.

Chair of Urban Construction and Municipal Development, 

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Doc.

A. I. Fedchenok, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy.

Chair of Urban Construction and Municipal Development,



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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes